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Author Guidelines

  1. The text shall be the result of research or literature review in Indonesian or English, manuscripts that have not been or are not in the process of publication, original and novelty.
  2. Number of pages of the manuscript of at least 7(seven) page and a maximum of 15 (fifteen) pages.
  3. Written in standard Indonesian or English, paper size A4.
  4. Typed in the form of two (2) column.
  5. Manuscripts sent to the editor in the form of Indonesian or English must be accompanied by an abstract and key words in Indonesian and English.
  6. The abstract written a general description of the content of the manuscript with the provisions of no more than 350 words and typed in a spacing of 1 (one) with the font Palatino Linotype 9 italic in any format (English) and normal (Indonesian). 
  7. Abstract background containing the problem, the solution offered, objectives, methods used, results of experiments, analysis of test results, and conclusions.
  8. Title manuscript written in brief and informative with the font Calibri (Body) 16 (sixteen) bold and if there are subtitles, the same type of letter to the main titles, but their case is 20 (twenty).
  9. The author's name is written manuscript is complete without an academic degree and its affiliates with the font Book Antiqua 12 (twelve) italic.
  10. Minimal reference used was 10 reference date (at least 5 years of writing articles, unless the discussion is limited)
    Content writing is not the responsibility of the editor and the editor reserves the right to make changes and correct grammar every script that is loaded.
  11. Use one of the tools for reference management, eg reference management feature of Microsoft Word, Zetero, Mendeley.
  12. The manuscript is sent through this OJS.
  13. Each author is required to download the justindo template as a reference to the script to be published by the justindo


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