Journal History

Justindo is a scientific journal which is managed by the informatics engineering study program at the University of Muhammadiyah Jember as a media for publication of research articles in the field of systems and information technology. Justindo is published twice in a year, February and August.

First established in 2016. The chief editor at that time was Mr. Wiwik Suharso, M. Kom. At that time, Justindo was published in print and online, but did not have an ISSN. In 2017, Justindo already has an ISSN, e-ISSN: 2541-5735 and p-ISSN: 2502-5724

In 2018 there were changes in the contents of the article, namely in the header and footer. The footer has displayed the ISSN in print or online

In 2019 a change in the structure of journal management was carried out, namely the chief editor was transferred to Ms. Qurrota A’yun, M.Pd

In 2016-2018, the DOI in the JUSTINDO journal has not been activated but starting in 2019 the DOI has been activated.

In 2019 the abstract used  Indonesian and English but the content still uses Indonesian. In addition, on the first page of each article at JUSTINDO, there was information about the article, which was about articles received, revised and published

in 2020 the articles that enter the Justindo Journal will be forwarded to the reviewer if the article is in accordance with Justino's focus and scope and the results of the plagiarism check are a maximum of 25%

in 2021 in volume 6 number 2 thre is a change in the journal tamplate. namely is the header