Yuldensia Avelina, Idwan I


HIV / AIDS is a chronic disease, can not be cured completely and the incidence rate is always there in every year, so it can have broad impact on all aspects of life especially physical, psychological, social, and spiritual. Thus can affect the quality of life of patients themselves. Support from various parties, one of them family support is needed by HIV / AIDS patients to maintain the quality of life. This study aims to explain the correlations between family supported and quality of life of HIV / AIDS patients who undergo therapy programme  at VCT Clinic Sehati RSUD dr. TC, Hillers Maumere. This research use correlation analytic design with crossectional approach. Samples is  HIV / AIDS patients undergoing therapy at VCT Clinic dr. TC. Hillers Maumere numbered 28 people by using accidental sampling. Data collection using questionnaires.  Data analysis was done by univariate and bivariate using computerized program. Analysis of bivariate data using Chi-Square test. Result of research show  (1) Most of respondent get support from family in undergoing therapy that is 26 people (92.9%), (2) most respondents have good quality of life that is 27 people (96.4%), (3) Chi-Square test result obtained significance value 0.000 < (0.05%), this indicates that Ha accepted, which means there is a correlations between family support and quality of life of patients. It can be conclude that  HIV / AIDS patients undergoing therapy at the clinic Sehati RSUD dr. TC. Hillers Maumere mostly have a good quality of life for getting family support during therapy. It is suggested that the nurses are expected to involve families in providing services to HIV / AIDS patients.

Keywords: Patients of  HIV/AIDS, Quality of life, Supported family

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