Abi Muhlisin, Supratman s, Ida Listiani


Perception has an important role in order to valuing quality of service since good perception from the patients about the quality of service will affecting their satisfaction and will create positive image about health services. The purpose of this research is to configuring the correlational realtionship between patient’s educational degree and income to the patient’s perception about quality of health services in Puskesmas. It’s a correlational research conducted by cross sectional approach. There were about 100 respondents taken by accidental sampling who were taking a part in this study. The data collected through a questionnaire and analysed by univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using chi square test. Statistical analysis show p value 0,008 for educational degree and patient’s perception and p value 0,000 for patient’s income and their perception. It can be conclude that there are significant correlationship between educational degree and income to patient’s perception about health quality service in Puskesmas. Improving training to the health care personnel according to their profession, as an effort to improving their abilty, skill and knowledge, will bring an impact to a better health quality service.


Keywords: quality service, income, educational degree, perseption

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32528/psn.v0i0.1734
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