Studi Literatur : Pengetahuan dan Sikap Perawat Terhadap Perawatan Pasien Paliatif dan End of Life pada Ruang Intensif di Indonesia
Current palliative care is not only for end-of-life care but has evolved from the early stages of diagnosed diseases to the terminal/end-of-life stage. The obstacles that arise in palliative care in Indonesia are also based on one of them the lack of knowledge of nurses on education about palliative care and near death. The purpose of this literature study is to describe and identify knowledge and attitudes of nurses towards palliative and end-of-life patient care in intensive care room in Indonesia. This study uses a traditional literature review, with article selection using three stages based on the PRISMA flowchart, with five article search databases that have been determined by researchers and published articles in 2016-2022. The results of the review using these four articles found that most nurses had a low level of knowledge of 67.5% in 27 respondents but had a good attitude toward the process of palliative and end-of-life nursing care in intensive care units in Indonesia. The conclusion is because many nurses have not received a palliative care curriculum at their education level and do not do palliative and end-of-life care training. Even so, nurses' experience in performing palliative care is sufficient to meet standard procedures well.
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