Journal History

Politico has been issued since 2004 with a frequency of 2 times a year in March and September. The editors receive scientific essays about the results of research, surveys and literature reviews that are closely related to the field of Social and Political Sciences.

POLITICO has been issued since 2004 with a frequency of 2 times a year. The editors receive scientific essays about the results of research, surveys and literature reviews relating to Social and Political Sciences.

Jurnal Politico has  been ranked 4 at SINTA and has been accredited by Kemenristekdikti since April 2019 (Decree No.10/E/KPT/2019)

On volume XIX No. March 1, 2019 published in English.

in 2019 there was a re-accreditation and thank God from SINTA 5 it rose to SINTA 4 SK Number 30/E/KPT/2019