This study examines the influence of institutional ownership, dividends, asset structure, firm size and free cash flow on debt policy. This research was conducted at property & real estate company listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2014 until 2016. The sampling technique used is proposive sampling, and the research data obtained are 108 observation units from 36 sample companies. Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression.
Based on data analysis, institutional ownership, dividend and asset structure have no effect on debt policy. Company size and free cash flow have a positive and significant effect on debt policy. Simultaneously institutional ownership, dividend, asset structure, firm size and free cash flow have an effect on debt policy evidenced by simultaneous significance of 0.000 value.
The implications of this study are firm size and free cash flow can be used as a reference in establishing debt policy of property & real estate companies, and before deciding to invest shares in a company to see first how the company obtains its funding source whether tends to use debt or equity / capital company.
Keywords: Debt Policy, Institutional Ownership, Dividend, Asset Structure,Company Size, and Free Cash Flow
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