Studi Kapasitas Penampang Kolom pada Zona Rasio Eksentrisitas Beban Aksial yang Lebih Besar dari Eksentrisitas Balance (Studi Kasus Gedung Integrated Laboratory for Natural Science and Food Technology Universitas Jember)

Alvin Ilmi Hakiki, Totok Dwi Kuryanto, Pujo Priyono


Indonesia is a region prone to earthquakes because it is located at the junction of 3 tectonic plates in the world. Development in Indonesia is increasingly developing and there are more and more skyscrapers, and likewise the development regulations are increasingly developing, the regulations is SNI-2847-2013 and SNI-1726-2013 where the risk category for buildings, especially this building (Education), is from risk category II to risk category IV. This study of the cross-sectional capacity of the building compares two reviews, based on Appendix B and the strain factor. The research was carried out with the help of SAP2000 v.22 software and it was found that the value of the cross-sectional reduction factor due to Appendix B which is reviewed based on axial load is greater than the review based on the reduction factor, it can be concluded that the greater the effect of the moment due to the earthquake, a review based on the reduction factor is more recommended compared to the review according to Appendixt B.

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