BACKGROUND : Planning in nursing management is based on the results of the assessment from information about the patient, nursing staff, administration, nursing care models and documentation systems. Nursing students at the nursing management profession stage have an important role in studying the condition of nursing management. A valid and reliable assessment instrument is needed to be able to describe the conditions of work in managing nursing management. The aim of this study is to develop an instrument of manpower (M1) in nursing management based on professional nursing care methods and JCI accreditation.
SUBJECT AND METHODE : The research design combines a qualitative and quantitative approach (mix method) consisting of 2 phase. The population in this study were all nurses (76) at Amelia Hospital. The sample in this study was 20 nurses with purposive sampling technique. The first phase researchers set up the instrument and conduct Small Group Discussions with the head of nursing, the head of the room, and nurses. Phase 2 analyzes the validity and reliability test of the instrument and SGD phase 2 for the delivery of research recommendations.
RESULTS : The results of the validity test show that the Manpower Assessment Instrument (M1) of nursing management has an average r count> r table (0.643> 0.423), and the reliability test result was 0.820. The Manpower (M1) assessment instrument was declared valid and reliable. The Manpower (M1) assessment instrument of nursing management examined the human resources that manage a nursing practice space.
DISCUSSION : With this assessment instrument, the head of the room or the manager of nursing can manage his human resources so as to create a conducive work environment so that the main goal of improving the quality of nursing services can be achievedKeywords
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