BACKGROUND: Quality of Life (QOL) is an individual perception of their position in life. Some factors that affected a person’s QOL may be physical condition. Related with this factor, amputation is a form of physical change that has a negative effect on physical, psychological and social life. One way to overcome is rehabilitation program. The program aims to improving mobility and re-integration to community. The aims of this study were to determine the effect of prosthesis and axillary use toward QOL.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This study was Quasi-Experiment with two-group only by post- test design. Forty individuals with lower limb amputation that using transfemoral prosthesis and axillary crutch in PT Kuspito Prosthetic Orthotic participated in this study. QOL was then measured using the WHOQOL-BREF. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Mann-Whitney test.
RESULTS: Prosthesis users overall QOL and health scores were 3.8824 and axillary crutch users scores were 3.8696 and 3.9130. Prosthesis users scored significantly higher on all QOL domains. Statistically, there were differences in QOL domains of prosthesis and axillary crutch users, with score in physical health (p = 0.018), psychological (p = 0.017), social relationship (p = 0.026) and environment (p = 0.003).
CONCLUSION: There are differences in the quality of life in the environmental domain between groups using transfemoral prosthesis and axillary crutches. In the environmental domain, the use of transfemoral prosthesis is more influential in improving the quality of life.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32528/inc.v0i0.2690
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