Character education in various schools in Indonesia has received attention, and even becomes
priority. However, how far can the character education be designed as integrated part in formal
education? This paper discusses about the importance of learning character building as a part of
character education in formal education system. Character education has been well-arranged to build
a good individual character. Nevertheless, in the implementation, design, and application of the
program has not really covered all the children yet, either at home or at school.
In this case, we need to pay attention and analyse how important character education in curriculum
as one of the main subjects. It has been done by book expert; however, there is still something
deviated from children’s behaviour either in school or in the society even though teacher has
revealed his or her maximum teaching skill with hope that it can develop well.
Nowadays, education problem is not only a planned and conscious effort to establish learning
condition and learning process inside the room. Education is not only a mere interaction through
electronic media so that children actively develop their potential to have a power in moral, self -control, and even creativity inside themselves, society, and nation. Thus, it brings significant
influence to the development of the students in order to develop a good character, dignified and
enrich the life of a nation. It is necessary to be re-examined through team as one of the efforts to do
continuous improvements.
Keywords: character education, personality
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