Ismail Ismail, Haryono Haryono, Permana Tedjo


Traffic accidents are a leading indicator of the level of road safety. In developed countries safety problems are a very considered problem in order to reduce the problem of accidents that occur. The high number of traffic accidents is caused by several factors, but the most dominant are human factors. Many accidents occur on the road due to traffic accidents, this is because many people do not yet know the meaning or purpose of the signs on the road, and the community does not understand the meaning of signs for the community regarding participation in approving traffic signs. The research objectives are 1) Overcoming Traffic Accidents Experiencing Cross-Road Traffic Accidents 2) Making Traffic Accident Models Through Education For Drivers / Pedestrians. The research in this discussion uses a qualitative descriptive method. There are 5 causes of traffic accidents, namely: Human Error Factors, Traffic Sign Factors, Road Factors, Motor Vehicle Factors, Natural Factors. Efforts to prevent traffic accidents can be done with education through videotron, pocketbooks and media online for road users traffic and related parties about driving safety behavior and traffic ethics, the unique trendy accessories and shirts with technology reflectors to the safety of road traffic, the preparation of a database of traffic accident, spot make eco smart trafficlight as a violation of traffic lights, detection make the notification system the traffic signal an android in every motor vehicles to reduce traffic offenses, building the technology for detecting the shock drowsiness on the motorist with a system computer vision as a step minimalisir traffic accidents, make the system intelligent transportation for traffic, community empowerment bikers as role models a pioneer of orderly traffic


Keywords: Traffic, Accidents.

Traffic accidents are a leading indicator of the level of road safety. In developed countries safety problems are a very considered problem in order to reduce the problem of accidents that occur. The high number of traffic accidents is caused by several factors, but the most dominant are human factors. Many accidents occur on the road due to traffic accidents, this is because many people do not yet know the meaning or purpose of the signs on the road, and the community does not understand the meaning of signs for the community regarding participation in approving traffic signs. The research objectives are 1) Overcoming Traffic Accidents Experiencing Cross-Road Traffic Accidents 2) Making Traffic Accident Models Through Education For Drivers / Pedestrians.The research in this discussion uses a qualitative descriptive method. There are 5 causes of traffic accidents, namely: Human Error Factors, Traffic Sign Factors, Road Factors, Motor Vehicle Factors, Natural Factors. Effortsto prevent traffic accidents can bedone with education through videotron, pocketbooks and media online for road users traffic and related parties about driving safety behavior and traffic ethics, the unique trendy accessories and shirts with technology reflectors to the safety of road traffic, the preparation of a database of traffic accident, spot make eco smart trafficlight as a violation of traffic lights, detection make the notification system the traffic signal an android in every motor vehicles to reduce traffic offenses, building the technology for detecting the shock drowsiness on the motorist with a system computer vision as a step minimalisir traffic accidents, make the system intelligent transportation for traffic, community empowerment bikers as role models a pioneer of orderly traffic Keywords: Traffic, Accidents.

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