M Nurulloh Bestami, Nurul Istiqomah, Fathur Rahman


Seventy-three years Indonesia had been free from the shackles of colonialism after the second world war, but until now the goal of Indonesian people to advance general welfare hasn’t been able to be carried out fairly by governance bureaucrats. Distortions of universal interest or general interest through the public services which should be the main orientation of the state often occur due to the behavior of bureaucrats in Indonesia who tend to act cooperatively only on particular interests like Marx's criticism of Hegel regarding the role of bureaucrats. In fact, universal interest is the main instrument to create the general welfare. The rampant of discriminatory treatment towards certain class communities just aggravate the pathology of bureaucracy in Indonesia. As a result, the bureaucrats as agent of universal interest now they can’t afford to be fair and do their job as well as agent of general interest. It’s causing that bureaucrats are more suitable to be called “Birogog” which means bad office leaders. Keyword : Birogog, Interest, Agent

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