Rinikso Kartono


HIV/ AIDS that infects a person will not only reduce body immune system, but also reduce one’s resilience ability. As a result, PLWHA become powerless in dealing with the disease and their social lives. The presence of peer support groups is very helpful to restore the resilience of PLHIV in dealing with diseases and their effects.This study aims to describe; 1) The role of peer support groups to restore the resilience of PLWHA.2) The Impact of Social Support on Restore Resilience Of PLHAs. This research used qualitative approach and data collection technique conducted by interview and observation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Meanwhile, the subjects of this study are PLWHA, and member of Peer Support Groups.This study found that: (1) The role of peer support groups to restore the resilience of PLWHA are; 1) Provider temporary shelter; b) Companion and counselor; c) Educator and trainer; d) Advocate. (2) The roles of peer support group to improve the resilience of PLWHA consists of; a) PLWHA can adapt to HIV / AIDS which infects it, optimistic, hopefull, without experiencing stress; b) improvement in the quality of PLWHA's health; c) Increasing social role of PLWHA; d) PLWHA becomes more pro-social and religious

Keywords. Support, Resilience, PLWHA, HIV/AIDS

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