Kiki Uswatun Hasanah


The purpose At present the contribution of women as entrepreneurs, especially UMKM, is expected to be able to contribute significantly to the economy in Indonesia. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between financial behavior, financial skills, financial attitude, financial knowledge and financial performance on financial literacy in female MSME actors in Tanjung Market, Jember Regency. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive data analysis. Respondents surveyed in this study were 140 female traders in Tanjung Jember Market. This study uses 5 variables, namely financial behavior, financial skills, financial attitude, financial know-how, and financial performance towards financial literacy. The results of this study indicate that financial behavior is at 72% and is included in the middle category. Financial skills have a percentage of 61% and are included in the middle category. The attitude financial has a percentage of 52% and is included in the low category. Financial knowladge has a percentage of 62% and is included in the middle category, financial performance has a percentage of 70% and is included in the middle category. The results of this study show that there is a relationship between financial behavior, financial skills, financial attitude, finacial knowladge and financial performance on financial literacyThe purpose At present the contribution of women as entrepreneurs, especially UMKM, is expected to be able to contribute significantly to the economy in Indonesia. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between financial behavior, financial skills, financial attitude, financial knowledge and financial performance on financial literacy in female MSME actors in Tanjung Market, Jember Regency. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive data analysis. Respondents surveyed in this study were 140 female traders in Tanjung Jember Market. This study uses 5 variables, namely financial behavior, financial skills, financial attitude, financial know-how, and financial performance towards financial literacy. The results of this study indicate that financial behavior is at 72% and is included in the middle category. Financial skills have a percentage of 61% and are included in the middle category. The attitude financial has a percentage of 52% and is included in the low category. Financial knowladge has a percentage of 62% and is included in the middle category, financial performance has a percentage of 70% and is included in the middle category. The results of this study show that there is a relationship between financial behavior, financial skills, financial attitude, finacial knowladge and financial performance on financial literacy


Financial Literacy, Financial Behaviour, Financial Skill, Financial Attitude , Financial Knowladge , Kinerja Keuangan , Deskriptif Metod, Women

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