Luh Titi Handayani


Cancer has become one of major etiology of death in worlwide. The highest prevalence of breast cancer are in East Java and Middle Java. Breast cancer could happen to every woman at all age, and it prevalence will increase after menopousal periode. Early detection of breast cancer could be done through self breast examination and breast clinical examination. Women with advance stage of breast cancer are increasing since early detection are individually so it seem have not been done efficiently and effectively. The purpose of this research is to identify health cadre’s ability as a peer supporter in self breast examination.The methode of this study are referrence methode and field survey involving thirty women aged 18 – 60 years old. The health cadres show how to do self breast cancer and ultrasonography has been done as breast clinical exam. Data analysis has been done descriptively to the variables such as tage, marital status, he total number of children, hormonal  hystory, health behavior and the result of USG examination. According to the respondent through an interview that the health cadres are done well in making early detection by doing self breast examination (90%). The results from slef breast cancer that has been done by health cadres show tweo respondents are having protruding tumor in their breast. And according to breast clinical examination there are no sign of cancer found in the respondent. Society empowerment in maintaining health quality, especially in early detection of breast cancer, are done well by the health cadres. Health cadres has a great role in spreading out the helath information to the tiniest group in the society including individual and family in order to improve society’s health status.


Keywords : cadres, early detection, breast cancer

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