Suratini S, Yuli Isnaeni


The stigma and discrimination of people with HIV / AIDS in living their lives in the community makes their life spirit less so that they have an impact on their lives. Peer support groups of PLWHA are people who suffer from HIV / AIDS based on their life experience to care about PLWHA and always accompany their survival. Reaching groups or companions of PLWHA are needed for their existence. Forms of support provided can be in the form of ARV access, simple counseling of opportunistic diseases that attack PLWHA, in addition to the spirit of PLHIV survival by maintaining a balance of physical and spiritual health and living life in the community. Research objective: this is to get an idea of the meaning and meaning of members of peer support groups people living with HIV / AIDS live in the area of Kulon Progo Regency. Research method: a type of qualitative research with Indeep interviews with 8 members of the companion group. Analysis of the data used using the steps of Colaizzi. Data analysis in this study with Collaizi technique and produce 15 themes. The results of the study: The results of Indeepth Interview with 8 Participants who became supporters or mentions of PLWHA obtained 15 themes, namely background, length of time being a companion, number of mentors, support, constraints, mandaat support, attitude, companion feelings, activities, needs of PLHIV companions, principles / pillar of assistance, mentoring activities, work time, place of assistance and hope for health workers. Conclusion: a group of PLWHA has an important role in the life of PLWHA to receive their illness, undergo treatment, become friends to share, be empowered or independent again like before they are sick. Suggestion: companion group members continue to be passionate about being a mentor of PLHAs and motivating with the five main pillars of HIV / AIDS prevention.

 Keywords: Peer support groups, People with HIV / AIDS

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