Virgianti Nur Faridah


Chronic renal failur is a dirsorder of renal function that is progressive and irreversibel, causing decreased kidneyfunction resulting in urea retention and other nitrogenous waste in the blood, the problem in this study of patients with chronic renal failure who underwent hemodialysis. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of family supportive therapy on the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failur who underwent hemodialysis at the general hospital doctoral Soegiri Lamongan. Research using pre experiments using One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. By using technique random sampling. The population in this study amounted to 33 respondents, the sample in this study amounted to 30 respondents with chronic renal failure who underwent hemodialysis at the general hospital doktoral Soegiri Lamongan in march 2018. The data of this study were taken by using quality of life questionnaire WHOQOL-BREF. Analyzed using wilcoxon test with significance level P < 0,05. The results showed prior to being given supportif therapy of life is (56,7%), The quality of life is bad (36,7%), And after the treatment of good quality of life (50%), Medium quality of life (40%),. Based on wilcoxon test results obtained Z= -5,196ᵃ  value with the value of P= 0,000  where P 0,05. This shows that there is influence of supportif therapy to the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure. Nurses can provide support for patient independence in lifestyle modification by involving the family’s active role in improving the quality of life patients.

Keyword: Supportive Therapy, Chronic Kidney Disease, Quality Of Life

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32528/psn.v0i0.1739
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