Ahmad Guntur Alfianto, Ferdianto R.N, Lena Sekar Wati, Julian M Noer Size


The formation of School Health Service Unit (UKS) for mental health is one of the form of mental health community service. The activity of UKS for mentl health are implemented through teacher’s training about early detection of psychosocial problems and psychological first aid, elucidation of bullying and depression, electing the UKS’s cadre and assertive training in prevent smoking behavior. This social health service programme were held at MTs Nurul Huda Bantur. The purpose of this activity is to trainned the teachers and students in order to prevent psycosocial problems in their surrounding and to elect the health cadres. The results show there were improvement in teacher’s ability to making early detection and providing first aid in preventing bullying and depression after the training, and the students show assertive behavior about smoking after given assertive training and electing the health cadres. The conclusion of UKS for mrntal health activity is that both the teachers and students are able to prevent psycosocial problems in their surrounding environment. And it suggested that it is important to making a training for student’s mental health cadres for the next health social service project.  

Keywords: school, UKS, mental health

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32528/psn.v0i0.1729
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