Diyan Indriyani, Awatiful Azza


Babies are one group that has health risks. To reduce thus risk, one of them is by optimizing the nutritional needs for the baby. Breast Milk is the primary food for babies, especially when they are 0-6 months old. This condition becomes very important that breastfeeding mothers must have good quality of breast milk. However, the fact therewere still many experiences that increasing the quantity and quality of breast milk is not optimal yet. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effectiveness of food processing skills training on breastfeeding mothersgroupto support the lactation success. Respondents in this research were 12 breastfeeding mothers who lived in Purwojati and Dukuh, Dukuhdempok Village, Wuluhan, Jember. Research design of this research is Pre-Experiment with intervention of food processing skills training using catfish as basic ingredients. Instrument which used was food processing SOP for breastfeeding mothers and likert scale. The research results using the Dependent T-Test analysis showed that on the topic of nutrition management in the lactation period, the pretest mean score was 62.5 and the mean score of the posttest was 76.25 with P-Value 0.00. The conclusion of this researchthatfood processing skills training on breastfeeding mothers groups to support the lactation success was effective. As a recommendation, the health workers and families should give motivation for breastfeeding mothers to improve their food processing skills, which varies, especially with catfish as basic ingredients to increase appetite in order o to support lactation success.


Keyword: BreastMilk, Breastfeeding, Food Processing

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32528/psn.v0i0.1724
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