Deny Wahyu Tricana, Andrik Purwasito, Mahendra Wijaya


The ornamental fish stand in Pasar Gede, until 2012, had become part of this traditional market, even it became one of tourism destination in Surakarta. Along with the city development, which placed Pasar Gede in the center of the city and the consideration of Pasar Gede as a historical site protected, the ornamental fish sellers were considered unfit to sell in Pasar Gede, so that there was policy to relocate them to Pasar Depok. Persuasive communication conducted by market management department in the relocation process attracted curiosity to study because many people appreciated the success of the market management department in the process of relocation with minimum conflict. The research finding showed that the use of local wisdom done by the department of market management in communicating with the sellers. The implementation of local wisdom could be found in the form of self-identity of the officer in interacting the sellers and the use of local values and traditional (Javanese) structure in approaching the sellers. With the involvement of local wisdom in the communication strategies, the market Management department of Surakarta had won Javanese values including respect (hormat), polite (pekewuh) and peace (rukun) from the sellers. Besides, there was the use of values which conserved the hegemonic relationship unsuitable to the spirit of participative development. The use of local wisdom in successing certain government program perhaps could not be implemented in another region which had different social culture and characterization.
Keywords: Local wisdom, persuasive, relocation, communication strategy


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