Syamsul Hadi


Fruit Tangerine and Dragon Fruit is two horticultural commodities that are part of flagship product Banyuwangi is other than fruit durian, melon and watermelon. But productivity is still needs to be improved because of the market demand for the two commodities are very high, especially for large cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, Bali and Kalimantan in addition to the demand of several districts in East Java. Therefore, the puIDRose of this research is 1) Determine the level of production, productivity, and profits oranges and dragon fruit farming, and 2) determine the level of cost efficiency for the feasibility of farming oranges and dragon. This research was conducted in the year 2016 - 2017 in seven of the districts in Banyuwangi southern survey method through technical dept interviews with farmers and traders tangerine and dragon fruit is done by a search up at the retail level in some traditional markets both at home and in outside Banyuwangi. The study concluded that 1) Average tangerine farm productivity reached 16.91 tons per hectare, rat-average production cost of IDR 36,276,208.19 per hectare, and the average profit of IDR 86,290,987.57 per hectare. Furthermore, the average productivity of 28.73 tonnes of dragon fruit farms, the average production cost of IDR 45,310,321.84 per hectare, and the average profits of IDR 141,447,070.19 per hectare, 2) average farm efficiency (R / C ratio) is high, which is 3.75, but the dragon fruit farming (4.12) more efficient than citrus farming (3.38). Statistically both farm production cost efficiency levels in the study area are significantly different at the 95% confidence level.

Keywords: farming, citrus, dragon fruit, profit and cost efficiency


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