Strategi TV 9 Dalam Mempertahankan Budaya Lokal (Kajian dari Perspektif Manajemen Penyiaran)

Supriadi Supriadi, Ismojo Herdono


Local television industry in East Java seems to have become a lucrative business fields. Moreover, the support of Law No. 32 of 2002 on broadcasting, which bring fresh air local TV growth, both from the perspective of content or content (diversity of content) and ownership (diversity of ownership). Currently there are 46 private television broadcasters in East Java, and 10 of them are local private television broadcasting in Surabaya. One of the local televisionis TV 9. As part of the mass media, TV 9 in the pursuit of broadcasting has a function not only as a medium of supervision (surveillance), and entertainment (entertainment), but also as a medium that has the function of providing information (to inform) and education (to educate) the communicating values, and cultural norms from one generation to the next. This function is in line with the vision of TV 9 which has a polite and soothing character. What strategies and how the efforts of management TV9 be able to maintain the local culture, in the competitive television industry businesses increasingly sharp? This question will be answered through research qualitative description of broadcast management perspective. According to Willis and Aldridge there are four pillars that must be considered in the management of broadcasting, there are engineering, program, marketing and administration. From these results, it can be concluded that the management of TV 9 continues to improve the synergy between engineering, program, marketing more based broadcast program highlighting local culture.
Keyword : Local television, broadcast program, broadcasting management, local culture


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-Wawancara dengan Direktur Utama TV 9.

-Wawancara dengan staf redaktur pemberitaan TV9.

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