Saudah Saudah


The background of the research was the fact that traditional market traders confront a various problem especially with regard to the mushrooming of newly-established modern market. An effective interpersonal communication skill by traditional market traders was a necessary requirement to tackle the problem. Only through this personal capacity can they achieve their dream of reaping economic profit as well as social ones such as equipping their selves to enable them to interact effectively with their colleague merchants. But this capacity will never materializes unless they were well trained in ascriptive-interactionist ability. It is their capacity to both perform their economic activities rationally based on their rigid economic calculation as well as carry out their job irrationally based on social benefit. The later was accomplished for mere social betterment disregarding its economic advantages. The research was aimed at investigating the development this ascriptive-interactionist behavior among traditional market merchant especially with regard to their social interaction activities with other stakeholders to maintain their existence to live within their complex environment. Utilizing subjective etno-methodology, the research’s objectives were to explicate the problem deeper. This was so for the purpose of contributing to the development of social communication concepts especially in the area of the development of theories of social economic interaction within traditional market. The research results will benefit the traditional market stakeholders such as government agencies to empower traders in term of their economic as well social prosperity so that to preserve their unique characteristics while at the same time empowering their economic benefit.
Keywords: ascriptive interactionist, communication behavior, traditional market traders


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