NEWSPAPER READERS’s LEVEL of MEDIA LITERACY (Understanding of Media Literacy Level in the Malang Post Readers Through Reception Study in the Reporting of Local Election in Malang)

Sugeng Winarno


Many people who are passive when consuming media. Many of them are helpless when facing the media. They do not understand that the practice of media has the sole and specific interests. The complexity of the issues that are behind the media management is not sufficiently known by most consumers of media. In this situation actually indicates that the level of media literate society is at minimal levels. Reality is often presented by the media often understand as reality is actually happening, but not the true reality. A study ever conducted Sen and Hill (in Iriantara, 2009) shows how the mass media in Indonesia not play the role to reflect reality, but rather to represent reality. Because it does not reflect reality, the media in Indonesia easily become tools of power to formulate about political reality, cultural, social and Indonesia as some think the ruling party and not as experienced people. In this paper will specifically look at how the practice of the Malang Post. Reporting taken focused in local election in Malang. Through these events will be used to see the level of media literacy in some Malang Post readers. This study uses a reception study of Malang Post readers. From the results of reader reception will be analyzed the extent to which the reader has a value bargain and behaved while interpret messages that appear in the news. Reception study used in this study as a measure of the level of media literacy is based on the ability to describe how people survive or addressing the construction of reality by the media, and trying to negotiate their own meaning. In the decoding process that marks their reception, audiences are classified based on the ability to become the dominant reader, negotiated reader, and opposition reader. In the second classification the reader negotiated an ideal position because in this position the audiences was able to understand that the media is the result of a construction and audiences are also able to negotiate according to their own meaning.
Keywords: Media Literacy, Newspaper Readers, Reception Study.


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