Hadi Wijono


This writing focuses on how far the attempts of local government, stakeholders and Cultural Islamic Leaders in the formulation of Flood Eradication Policy in Situbondo Regency. Based on this research, there are 3 (three) aspects that make the formulation of Flood Eradication Policy become unoptimal in Situbondo, namely : (1) The Role of Cultural Islamic Leaders, (2) Lower participation of stakehold-ers, and (3) lower attention of local government. Among the three aspects, It is the role of cultural Islamic Leaders that become the main cause of unoptimal condition in the formulation of Flood Eradication Policy in Situbondo Regency. What is meant by the role of Cultural Islamic leader here is his or her intervention to the local government activities so that the head of local government be-come dependent on them in the process of policymaking, both planning, executing (implementation) and supervision (controlling). Although flood-disaster occurs every year and destructs such aspects as social, economical, political and cultural aspects, but the local government hasn’t given priority to handle it. The local government hasn’t so far had Local Regulation on Flood Disaster Eradication that can be used as reference. This condition finally become the obstacle to realize disaster handling Management in accordance with people’s will and need.

Key words : Government, Disaster, and Cultural Islamic Leader (Kyai)


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