Devie Octariani, Akram Akram, Animah Animah


The aims of this study are to examine and analyze the effect of implementation of good governance, performance based budgeting, and quality of human resources to regional work unit’s (SKPD) budget qualities. Goal setting theory and agency theory are used to explain the phenomenon of budget qualities. The population of the present study are SKPD’s in Sumbawa Regency. The number of respondents in this study were 94 respondents that selected using purposive sampling method. Data was collected using the questionnaire technique. This research uses analytical techniques Partial Least Square (smartPLS) 3.0. The results of quantitative analysis in this study showed thatimplementation of good governance, performance based budgeting, and quality of human resources had influence on SKPD’s budget qualities. This means better and ideal implementation of good governance, performance based budgeting, and quality of human resources owned by the SKPD, SKPD’s budget will be more qualified.The implications of this study can be useful for SKPDs on local governments to implement the principles of good governance and performance-based budgeting in the budget process to be able to provide better services to the public
Keywords: Budgeting, Budget Qualities, Good Governance, Performance Based Budgeting, Quality of Human Resources.


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