Galang Geraldy


In the rural politics of Indonesia, democracy itself has already been either as an instrument or goals in social and rural government implementation. The democracy which adopted by rural communities is a communitarian democracy, social democracy or democratic socialism. This kind of democracy is based on communal principles or solidarity of community. Conceptually, communitarian democracy is the antithesis to the liberalism democracy in particular and globalization in general. This term became challenge to rebuild values of communitarian democracy while since 1980s globalization and sub-narration liberal-capitalist had its momentum. Economic development that referred to capital accumulation and strengthening of public became a mainstream agenda in many countries, or even regions. The acceleration of capitalist-liberal economics was able to reach the rural economics, tradition and local wisdom and even the development of private partnership (privatization) been infiltrated gradually by global culture expansion into development mode in rural area. To deal with those challenges is to revitalize democracy of rural communitarian. The decision making need to be based on participative discussion, not elitist contestation. Then, strengthening of social capital of rural implemented by tolerance and solidarity rather than by exclusivism and primordial, and rural economic empowerment through populist economics, in which the economics that focuses on public ownership, not as a liberal private property to the rural life affairs.

Keywords: Revitalization Communitarian Democracy, Liberal democracy and Globalization


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