Sahiruddin Sahiruddin, Imam Riyadi, Sunardi Sunardi


Smartphone is a seluler phone that is currently growing rapidly. The position of the smartphone can be said to help the activities of its users on office work, business, e-banking, and to interact with other users in social media. Smartphone security is a top priority for users to secure data from others who are not responsible. One of the security systems that can be applied by the user is with the fingerprint code. Security is a challenge for information tecnology forensics and law enforcement to investigate the smartphone of someone who commits a crime as a suspect in a case. The way that can be done to penetrate the security is to attack the security system part. The purpose of this study is to develop the security of smartphones from others who access without permission. The method used in this study is the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) that is by identifying, proposing solutions, obtaining solutions, conducting trials of solutions offered, evaluating and completing procedures and reporting on results. This study is expected to provide a solution of data loss recovery.

Keyword: Forensic, Fingerprint Code, Recovery, Android.


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