Edy Agustian, Erfanti Fatkhiyah, Erma Susanti


Curtains are fabric used to cover a window at night. Opening and closing the curtain is one of the most common activities in everyday life, and usually often forgets to close the curtains at night when left traveling from morning to night. The automatic curtain is designed using several components consisting of drive wheel driven by dc motor equipped with motor driver, light sensor using Light Dependent Resistor, and control system using ATMega8 microcontroller. In order for this automatic curtain system to be able to walk not only hardware, but also software (software) because the microcontroller will not work as expected without any program instructions inserted into the microcontroller. Bascom-AVR software to write the program using C language which then compiled into Hex while USB Downloader (to download the program to the Microcontroller) using eXtreme Burner-AVR.This system serves to control open and close the curtain. In this system, Motor DC is activated based on light obtained from Light Dependent Resistor sensor. The LDR resistance will change with the change in the intensity of light that surrounds it or around it. From the results of tests that have been done indicate that the automatic curtain system can work well, that the microcontroller can detect input from the light sensor well, and motor dc moves in accordance with the commands of the microcontroller.

Keywords: Microcontroller, automation systems, light dependent resisitor, light sensor, automatics curtain system


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