Catur Iswahyudi, Argo Rudi Prasetyo, Andung Feby Prakoso, Muntaha Nega


The prototype design of smart parking system based on arduino aims to facilitate the officer in parking management and also help the driver to know the location of the available parking slot. This prototype consists of four main components: ATMega8535 microcontroller, ultrasonic sensor, servo, and LED. The ultrasonic sensor will detect every object that enters the parking area and sends the result to the ATMega8535 microcontroller for calculation. The results of the count then compared with the capacity of the parking area. If the result is equal to the capacity of the parking area, the microcontroller will send the instruction to the servo to close the entrance bar. And if there is a change as there is an out, then the microcontroller will recalculate the incoming data. If the result count less than parking capacity, then the microcontroller will send instructions to the servo to open the entrance bar.

Keywords: smart parking system, microcontroller, ultrasonic sensor, arduino


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