Rosa Agustina, Zony Yulfadli


In 2015, the Government of Bontang has started to build one of these facilities. Facilities to be constructed are sports facilities. The facility will have the terms of any standard. As one of the facilities that will stand in Bontan., Bontang Sport Center (BSC) requires careful planning in all aspects. Bontang builders Sport Center (BSC) is the arterial road in Jalan Cipto Mangunkusumo / ex. Jalan Pupuk Raya there will be a trip generation resulted in the distribution of travel in the region. Prediction Bontang population growth rate is 6% per year and predicted growth rate of motor vehicles in Bontang is 8.3% per year.Percentage of vehicles entering the current peak hour is equal to 62% and the percentage of vehicles that came out during peak hours is 38%. Trip Distribution for each zone with Furness method can perform analysis of patterns of movement / origin-destination trips between zones as traffic flow can be either vehicle, passengers, and goods made of data to describe the distribution pattern of the trip happened.

Keywords : Trip Generation, Trip Distribution, Method Furness

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