Sirajuddin Abraham, Yeni Dwi Rahayu


Based on data from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (KOMINFO) in 2014 the number of internet users in Indonesia reached 88.3 million people. The figure puts Indonesia in the 6th position of internet users worldwide. It shows people have been using the internet in everyday life. The number of visitors on news websites can be utilized by managers and developers of a news site to attract visitors and access longer. Because based on statistics, webiste is often visited in Indonesia based alexa site is a search engine like google or yahoo and also social media like facebook. While the news site is which ranks 9th. One way is to build a system of article recommender recommendations on a relevant website for users or visitors to obtain information. The goal of this recommendation system is also the owner of the website, so that website traffic and visitor statistics can go up so it can profit from managing the website. the accuracy of the error value in making the news recommendation system using K-nearest Neigbor method is 14%.

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