The purpose of this research is to figure out the influence of Value Added Intellectual Capital (VAICTM) on profit competence and stock capital gain of banking companies in Indonesia. This research used a purposive sampling technique, conducted on banking companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange of 2011-2015 and also these are listed in IPO of 2011 with a total of 25 companies. The research model uses a multiple lineal regression, consisting of: VACA (X1); VAHU (X2); STVA (X3), as the independent variables while company profit competence, consisting of Ratio on Asset (Y1) and Stock Capital Gain (Y2), as the dependent variables. The research results are as follows: (1) First hypothesis shows that simultenously (F-test), the Value Added Intellectual Capital has a positive and significant influence on profit competence (ROA) of banking companies in Indonesia, while partially (t-test) shows that Structural Capital (STVA) has a positive and significant influence on profit competence (ROA). (2) Second hypothesis simultaneously (F-test) shows that Value Added Intellectual Capital has only a significant but no positive influence on Stock Capital Gain of banking companies in Indonesia, while partially (t-test) Physical Capital (VACA) has only also significant but no positive influence on Stock Capital Gain. Value Added Intellectual Capital does not have a close relationship with profit competence (ROA) and stock Capital Gain.
kata kunci: VACA, VAHU, STVA, Ratio on Asset dan Capital GainFull Text:
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