The purpose of this research is to figure out the influence of Intellectual Capital on the competence of universities in Pontianak, through integrated learning process. The research model uses full model technique, conducted between constructs (multidimensional model). The research samples are university students registered on 2012/2013, within a learning process of semester VI. This research uses both primary and secondary data, obtained by having data measuring scale and tabulation. The research results shows that Intellectual Capital has a positive influence yet not significant on competence, (financial management). The relationship between Intellectual Capital and Financial Management Competence is only as much as 0.9%, while the rest is influenced by other factors or variables excluded in this model. Intellectual Capital has a great influence on the development of students’ competence and should be implemented earlier at the beginning of lectures through integrated learning processes that students are greatly motivated to learn, may easily determine choices to improve their competence based on the course clusters, and eventually have competitive competence required in the working world as well as creatively provide job opportunities.
Keywords: Intellectual Capital, competence, Financial and Human Resource ManagementFull Text:
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