Understanding economic literacy is the understanding of economics related to human actions to meet the needs of varied and evolving with existing resources so as to apply them in everyday life. Achieving this prosperity can create business opportunities for students as a driver in it. The ability to process the time for those who work is certainly not an obstacle to college and to form interest in entrepreneurship for students. This study aims to determine the relationship of partial and simultaneous between economic literacy and the intensity of working with entrepreneurial interest of the end of Economic Education Study Program at STKIP PGRI Lumajang. Respondents in this study are students of Economic Education Study Program last semester at STKIP PGRI Lumajang with sample 56 students, taken by proportional random sampling method. The research method used is quantitative with correlational approach. Data
collection using observation techniques, questionnaires, and interviews. The analysis technique uses the moment product correlation of pearson. The results of this study are: 1). student's economic literacy is high, has a very high level of relationship, direction of positive and significant relationship with entrepreneurship interest of student final, 2). The intensity of the final student work is moderate, has a low level of relationship with the direction of a negative relationship but still significant with student entrepreneur interest, 3). Simultaneously there is a positive and significant relationship between economic literacy and work intensity with student entrepreneur interest. Advice for students to develop creativity in entrepreneurship. Finding effective learning methods because the majority of students work while studying. Lecturers can deliver lecture materials with methods that match the character and style of student learning. For STKIP PGRI Lumajang able to provide a container to accommodate students' creativity and innovation.
Keywords: economic literacy, work intensity, entrepreneurial interestFull Text:
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