The purpose of this research is to know the influence of purchasing risk, price of product quality, behavior control, subjective norm and integrity to attitude and interest of buying pirated music CD. The design of this study is explanatory research which aims to explain the relationship
- the relationship between one variable with other variables and also included in confirmatory research. The population of this study is the consumer of pirated music CDs in the city of Jember.jumlah indicators of latent variables all of which is 120. The data analysis method uses SEM analysis. The results show that the risk of purchasing, behavioral control, subjective norms and integrity of attitudes and interests in purchasing pirated music CDs. While the price of product quality does not significantly influence the buying attitude of pirated music CDs.
Keywords: purchasing risk, price on product quality, behavior control, subjective norms, integrity to attitudes and interest in purchasing pirated music CDsFull Text:
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