Today, in MEA era provides opportunities as well as challenges for UMKM be competitive. UMKM has the potential to build the country's economy, but it’s difficult to develop because limited capital financing. In digital era, The regulation Number 77/POJK.01/2016 as away to get the capital financing based on information technology. UMKM are required more transparant and accountable to make financial reporting as a requirement bankable and feasible. To support it, IFR is an effort to increase stakeholder value in optimizing Fintech. The Method have used qualitative descriptive. The data source is the document of BPS and Kementerian UMKM on 2012-2017 and the literature study. The results of the analysis that, stakeholder value can increase competitive advantage that impact on feasible and bankable value. Related on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Theory that use IT will be positively to user reactions. Related to the Signaling Theory, the utilization of IFR as a technology for disclosure financial information of UMKM will be improve the information asymmetry of stakeholders.
Keywords: Internet Financial Reporting, Financial Technology, Capital Financing, Stakeholder Value
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