The Effect of Spark Plug Variations on Engine Performance on a 200CC 4-Stroke Motor

Mohammad Safaul Kahfi, Nely Ana Mufarida, Kosjoko Kosjoko


The development of science and technology in the automotive sector is very rapid, therefore people are required to be more productive and selective. It can be seen the engine work from the ignition system and compression pressure. In research the appropriate method to use is the comparison method, comparison of business comparisons spark plug standart, iridium, and spark plug racing, will be compared with the dynotest performance test tool. The results of testing the performance of a 200 cc 4 stroke motorbike with a variety of spark plug standards, spark plug iridium, and spark plug racing that have been tested, get the highest torque and power values, namely in the spark plug iridium with an average value (14.68 Nm) and an average value (15.7. ) Hp). As for the value of economical fuel consumption, there is a value of 1.40 fuel consumption in spark plug racing. The improper use of the power generated cannot be maximized, so the increase in compression pressure cannot be effective.

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