Arif Rizki Gunawan, Nely Ana Mufarida, Asmar Finali


Progress of science and technology is very rapid, making the industry plays an important role in it. Existing industries will not be separated from the use of metals, especially steel. This is evidenced by the many uses of steel in various machine components, work materials, building construction, both in the form of plates, sheets, pipes, profile rods and so on. Wear is the most dominant factor in damage to machinery functions, which results in reduced service life and the performance of various engine components and indirectly increases maintenance costs. This study aims to study the effect of heating temperature variations and cooling media on the hardness level of steel st 42, where the cooling media uses oil SAE 20W-50 and dromus oil. The time for the buffer for 60 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes, uses rockwell testing. The value of hardness testing on ST-42 steel obtained from the heat treatment process obtained the highest average value in specimens with a temperature of 700ᵒC cooled with oil SAE 20W-50 cooling media and had a hardness value of 94.7 HRC which increased by about 4.7 HRC from the average value the highest average for dromus oil cooling media which at a temperature of 750 ᵒC is 92.0 HRC.

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