This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the implementation of the
accounting information system at CV. DIRA GROUP in Jember. The objects of research
include Dira Shopping Center Ambulu, Dira Shopping Center Balung, and Dira
Shoppng Center Kencong.The population in this study were employees who worked at
the Dira Shopping Center in Jember. This research method used validity and reliability
tests. The classic assumption test which consists of a normality test and a
multicolonierity test. Multiple linear regression analysis and determination test.
Hypothesis testing is simultaneous test (f test) and partial test (t test). The results
showed that user involvement, personal technical skills, top management support,
formalization of system development, training and education had a positive effect on the performance of the accounting information system. This shows that if user involvement, personal technical skills, top management support, formalization of system
development, training and education greatly support the performance of the accounting
information system to work optimally.
Keywords: User Involvement, Personal Engineering Skills, Top Management
Support, System Development Formalization, Training and Education, and
Accounting Information System Implementation
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