Muhammad Harddisk Bintang Zulfikar, Vita Elisa Fitriana


This research aims to examine the impact of women participation in the
boards of director (BOD) on the performance of the firms. Whether the presence of
women in BOD could make the performance of the firms become better or worse.
Furthermore, the present study also wants to fills the gaps in the extant literature by
examining the moderating effect of working experience in the relationship between
women participation in BOD and firm performance. This research is a secondary data
analysis which is using 280 service companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange
(IDX) for the year 2014-2017 as its sample. This research use multiple linear
regression. The result shows that working experience of the women boards is positively
influence the relationship of women participation on boards with the firm performance.
This result is expected can make the stakeholder of organization aware of the benefit
having more gender diverse boards.


Women BOD, Firm Performance, Working Experience.


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