Efektifitas Pelatihan Kecerdasan Emosi untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Diri pada Mahasiswa Berorganisasi di Universitas ‘Asiyiyah Yogyakarta

Annisa Warastri, Andhita Dyorita Khoiryasdien


Student required to optimally contributed in social llife to fulfil the expectation and trust from community. Being active in organization was a form of the student contribution as agent of change. In this study, researchers will provide emotional intelligence training to several individuals that indicated has a low self-motivation. There are 30 subjects to be examined in this study that will be randomly selected. Then, the subject will be given emotional intelligence training for approximately 5 meetings.The result of this study show that there is self-motivation improvement by the research subjects after being given emotional intelligence training, which was indicated by an increase in the post-test score on the subject when compared to the score in the pre-test, from score value of 56 to 74. With this change in score value it means that emotional intelligence training effective in increasing self- motivation in research subjects.


self-motivation; emotional intelligence; college student

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32528/ins.v18i1.3954


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