Gambaran Perilaku Berpacaran pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD) di Surakarta

Sujoko Sujoko, Rosita Yuniati, RM Narindro Karsanto


Dating behavior lately is not only done by adolescents and adults, but has also spread to children, especially elementary school students. Elementary school students who should spend more time playing and socializing with their peers are now starting to be replaced. Elementary school students are no longer just playing and socializing, but they have begun to dare to channel their intimacy needs with the opposite sex through dating, which should be at this age when new students enter a latent period or a period where they have to hide their sexual urges with the opposite sex and more. lots to socialize with peers. This study aims to determine how the description of dating behavior in elementary school students, how they define dating, why and what kind of dating behavior they do. Is their dating style still normally acceptable or has it gone beyond the boundaries of social norms and the demands of their developmental task? The data collection method used in this study was interviews. The informants of this study were elementary school students in Surakarta. The informants of this research will be taken using incidental random sampling technique. The results of research on the description of dating behavior in elementary school students, especially in Surakarta, fall into the normal and normal categories. This is because the dating behavior carried out by the three informants is normatively acceptable because it does not lead to acts that violate the norms of society. In addition, in theory, dating at the age of 11 years or the transition from children to early adolescence (puberty) can be justified because indeed at these ages there is already an attraction to the opposite sex.


behavior; dating; elementary school

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