Peran Kesulitan Regulasi Emosi Dalam Memediasi Pola Asuh Otoriter Ibu Dengan Intensi Menyakiti Diri Pada Remaja

Rini Setyowati, Nabila Fairuzindra


This study aims to determine the role of emotional regulation difficulties in mediating maternal authoritarian parenting and self-harm intentions in adolescents. All students of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta are the population of this study. The sample used is 264 students, taken using a proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Data collection used a scale consisting of the self-harm intention scale (α = 0.917), the maternal authoritarian parenting style scale (α = 0.882), and the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale/DERS scale (α = 0.913). The results of the mediation analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the mother's authoritarian parenting and the self-harm intentions through difficulty in regulating emotions in adolescents (p < 0.001). The mediating role of emotional regulation difficulties on the relationship between maternal authoritarian parenting and self-harm intentions in adolescents is partial/incomplete and the estimated direct effect between maternal authoritarian parenting and self-harm is greater than the mediating effect of emotional regulation difficulties (0.005 < 0.043). This is possible because there are other factors that are more influential as a mediator between the maternal authoritarian parenting and the self-harm intentions than the difficulty of emotional regulation.


intentions; self-harm; authoritarian parenting; emotional regulation difficulties; adolescents

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