Agresivitas Mahasiswa UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Nawa Syarif Fajar, Ahmad Anton Fatoni, Ayu Ernawati, Ulfatus Zakiyah


Aggression is often interpreted as a behavior that aims to hurt others both physically and verbally. This study uses a quantitative approach, the research technique used is a correlational technique that is a research model that intends to conduct research and assessment of the characteristics of a population through samples drawn from that population. Based on the findings of the researchers, spiritual intelligence has a positive and significant effect on the Aggressiveness of Students of Malang's Maulana Malik Ibrahim UIN which is indicated by a significance value of less than the level of significant ie 0.050 or (0,000 <0.050) that the influence of spiritual intelligence on students' aggressive and significant, thus the higher the spiritual intelligence, the lower the aggressiveness of the UIN Student Maulana Malik Ibrahim


spiritual intelligence; aggressiveness; students

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