BACKGROUND : Diabetes mellitus (DM) is degenerative disease and non communicable disease which need the right treatment. DM is a condition which is the blood glucose is increase above the normal or called hyperglicemia. The prevalence of DM tend to increase in Indonesia until 2030. Inadequate treatment will lead to serious complication. DM is the biggest thread for human health. Tendency to increase is correlate with change of lifestyle and urbanisation.
SUBJECT AND METHODE : This study is using reference from previous journals and publications and then analyse using decriptive analysis.
RESULTS : the results from journal description reveal that there were several factors, which is the enabiling and risk factors of DM including age, gender, obesity, lack of activity, unhealthy life style, prevention using HbA1C which is not optimal, not optimal medication and not making good use of existing facilities.
CONCLUSION : the treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus are needed good collaboration from the patients itself, family and health care team including physician, nurse and dieitician.
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