BACKGROUND : Stunting is a nutritional problem in children, where the child has a significantly shorter body compared to the average age of the child. Stunting affects an individual’s educational and wage-earning potential and can even affect the next generation of children. The aim of the study was undertaken to assess the risk factors associated with stunting among children under five years old in jember district.
SUBJECT AND METHODE: this study was descriptive survey in the working area of Sukowono Public Health Center. A total of 249 children were selected for nutritional assessment in terms of stunting using the new World Health Organization growth standards.
RESULTS : Hierarchical logistic regression was used to examine the risk factors for adverse nutritional status. Hierarchical logistic regression analysis showed that the risk factors for stunted children were duration of exclusive breastfeeding (<6 months), low birthweight, and pregnancy anaemia. These results indicate that malnutrition especially stunting is still a major public health problem among children under five years old.
CONCLUSION: The government should implement appropriate nutritional intervention strategies to help reduce the prevalence and risk factors of stunting in children.
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