BACKGROUND : the importance of early education in children has come to the attention of the government. If at that age the child’s brain does not get maximum stimulation then all child development both physically and mentally will not develop optimally. Care has the aim to encourage the growth and development of children, both physical and psychological, parenting is also a process of interaction that is carried out continously between parents and children. The process of care cannot be separated from the influence of culture where the child is raised. Parents has important role which is begin since their child is in the womb untill they die to nurture their children. Profile of Banyuwangi District Health Service explain that there are 2.9% or 457 out of 15,762 ore school age children who experienced speech and language disorders. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of providing parenting education on the development of pre school age children in PAUD 05 Klaibaru Cluster.
SUBJECT AND METHODE : this study is quasy experimental design conducted with pretest – post test group approach. The data anayzed by using chi square and wilcoxon sign rank test to determine the differences before and after treatment for both control group and experimental group.
RESULT : the result show obtained from chi square test show p value of 0.05 which mean that parenting has significant effect toward independency and emotional regulation skill to pre school children. Although when compared between pre and post results is not too different.
CONCLUSION : Parenting is a reflection of parent in caring for, raising, caring for and educating children directly so that children become independent in learning.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32528/inc.v0i0.2718
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