BACKGROUND: family planning (KB) is one of the efforts made to prevent pregnancy, both traditionally and modernly which aims to improve the welfare of mother and her child and realize the nirms of small, happy and prosperous familirs that are the basis for the realizaton of a prospeorus society through birth control and control population growth. Post delivery is a transition period to determine contraception. The space between pregnancy and childbirth is important for the health of the mother and child. It is a resting phase in waiting for the recovery phase. This study aims to determine the description of postpartum contraceptive choice and background of the selection.
SUBJECT AND METHODE : this study is a descriptive explorative study involving 33 mother who has baby aged 6 months old in Posyandu in Suci Village.
RESULT : the age of most respondents is the age of healthy reproduction that is 20 – 35 old; most respondents are graduated from elementary school and senior high school and their activity is become a housewife; most of respondents are multiparous; all respondents choose injection contraception since it is easy and practice to use.
DISCUSSION : selection of injectional contraceprtion by all respondents is a reproductive right of women that must be respected. Easy and practical injection applications an a long period of time that is 3 months make respondents choose injection contraception compared to other contraceptives.
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